
I am an Australian graduate student in mathematics. My CV is here. My GitHub is here.

(Heron Island, 2021)


Address: School of Mathematics and Physics,
The University of Queensland,
St Lucia, QLD, 4072, Australia.
Office: Building 69 Room 714.


My advisors are Masoud Kamgarpour and Ole Warnaar.

My masters thesis is about the Arithmetic Geometry of Character Varieties.

I am developing a package for Julia to calculate polynomials describing the geometry of character varieties.

I created a poster about the Topology of Representation Spaces via Arithmetic.

My undergraduate thesis was about Hecke Algebras and Gelfand Pairs in Representation Theory.

Service and Work

I have tutored at UQ for the following courses:


Events, Seminars, Workshops, etc.

You may have met me at the following:

About Me



UQ Representation Theory Day, Brisbane, Australia [1]
Heron Island Workshop on Geometry and Representation Theory, Heron Island, Australia [1] [2]